Use Case Diagram For Direct Message

Use Case Diagram and Description

This is the final version of the UCD & Description based on the scenarios described in the previous post. There are several features involves, as following:

1) Sign Up and Sign In


Use Case ID : UCD_ VC_100
Use Case Name : Sign up
Description : This use case describes the registration process.Student needs to sign in with their student id to use the system.
Actor : Student, Mentor, Admin
Precondition : All actors must have the sign in identification
Scenarios 1. The actor wants to use the application.2.Click on 'Sign In' link on top of the homepage.

a.  If student doesn't have an account, they must sign up.

3. Actor sign in to the application.

4. The authenticate system will validate the student id.

Post Conditions: None

2) Search Post


Use Case ID : UCD_ VC_200
Use Case Name : Search post
Description : This use case describes how the actor can search the other actor post by insert and search the keyword
Actor : Student, Mentor, Admin
Precondition : All actors must have the sign in identification
Scenarios 1. The actor searches the keyword.2. The application will display the related results of public post.

3. Actor can view and join the discussion.

Post Conditions: None

3) Request virtual counselling


Use Case ID : UCD_ VC_300
Use Case Name : Request virtual consultation
Description : This use case describes how the actor can request virtual consultation.
Actor : Student, Mentor.
Precondition : All actors must have the sign in identification
Scenarios 1. Student can request to have a virtual counselling.2. This request will be assigned to the mentor.

3. Student will be connected to the mentor and they can have counselling session through private message or chatting.

4. After the counselling, student could provide feedback about their mentor.

Post Conditions: None

4) Request Online Chatting


Use Case ID : UCD_ VC_400
Use Case Name : Request online chatting
Description : This use case describes how the actor can anonymously request online chatting with the other student
Actor : Student.
Precondition : 1. All actors must have the sign in identification.2. Actor can request the online chatting with those with online status.
Scenarios 1. Actor requests online chatting with the other student.2. Student may accept or reject the request.
Post Conditions: None

5) Create thread

-Blank UML - New Page (2)

Use Case ID : UCD_ VC_500
Use Case Name : create thread
Description : This use case describes how the actor can open thread for discussion. The other actor can comment in this thread and reply to other actor's comment.
Actor : Student, Mentor.
Precondition : 1. All actors must have the sign in identification.
Scenarios 1. Actor create new thread about any issues.2. The other actor give opinion by add comment.

3. The other actor reply comment from no 2 to support or give any opinion.

4.Actor can rate the thread.

5. Any inappropriate thread will be closed by administrator.

Post Conditions: None

6) Create support group

-Blank UML - New Page

Use Case ID : UCD_ VC_600
Use Case Name : create support group
Description : This use case describes how the actor create support group to give encouragement and support to each other
Actor : Student, Mentor.
Precondition : 1. All actors must have the sign in identification.
Scenarios 1. Actor create support group.2. The other actor give opinion by add comment.

3.Actor can rate the profile of the group's creator.

4. Any inappropriate support group will be closed by administrator.

Post Conditions: None


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